Saturday Pool Sessions
Saturday pool sessions for beginners, intermediate and advanced Green Star paddlers held at the Maltby Leisure Centre during the winter months.
What do I need as a beginner at a pool session?
It is recommended that beginners bring the following to pool sessions:-
- Swimsuit (for females) or swimming shorts (for men)
- A pair of shorts
- A t-shirt
- A towel
- Goggles (if required)
- A bobbles (for people with longer hair)
Green Star will provide the buoyancy aids and helmets required.
Intermediate and advanced paddlers should borrow the buoyancy aids provided by the club to ensure the water is not contaminated.
Canoes/kayaks and paddles will be brought by the Green Star Canoe Club. Advanced paddlers can bring their own boats and paddles, however these need to be cleaned before bringing them into the pool.
During pool sessions for beginners, Green Star will provide the boats, paddles and kit required.
Please remember to bring:
- A swimsuit (for females)
- Swimming shorts (for men)
- A pair of shorts
- A t-shirt or a rash vest